What we offer?
we offer high quality services and provide
our customers with confidence in their projects.
View Our Services What we offer?
we offer high quality services and provide
our customers with confidence in their projects.
View Our Services What we offer?
we offer high quality services and provide
our customers with confidence in their projects.
View Our Services What we offer?
we offer high quality services and provide our customers with confidence in their projects.
Our Story
About Beekar
BEEKAR is a project management and development firm that also provides architectural consultation. Established in the UAE, and with a rational approach to meeting clients’ needs, we offer high quality services and provide our customers with confidence in their projects.
With the growth of the local economy and the improvement of life in the country, BEEKAR is devoted to its core values and a vision in which we look forward to a brighter tomorrow- for your personal and society’s collective well-being.
BEEKAR has a unique footprint and deep expertise developed through a long history.

Project Management and Development
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To be a leading company in the world of architectural consulting in the UAE and internationally by delivering outstanding results. By establishing a positive working environment between both our staff and our clients.
To deliver the greatest quality of service and competitive pricing to our clients. Beekar strives towards perfection and excellence via the following values: trust, client satisfaction, quality, innovation, and commitment.
- Achieve Year on year growth that exceeds revenue restrictions and company size.
- Provide the highest quality requirements in the engineering construction consulting business.
- Prioritize human safety and the environment ahead of all else.
- Compete in and improve the engineering consulting services industry.
He worked as an architect with ARENCO Engineering Consultants, from 2004 to 2006, As an engineer, he is responsible for coordinating all the company’s projects. and primarily contributing to the preparation of interior decoration schemes for the Dubai Police Force Headquarter.